Mario Brus
5/16/2011 8:02:35 PM Piccolomini crater is located at 32 deg E and 30 deg S on the south edge of Mare Nectaris. It is 90X90 km diameter and wall height of 4500 meters. It has very steep slopes, high walls and terraces riddled with craters and supporting the Piccolomini M and C to the north. It's central mountain has four summits. It was named after a 16th cent Italian Archbishop and astronomer. This is a 5 day old moon. Taken through a Meade LX200GPS 14" with 2X barlow with an effective FL of 7100mm and FOV around 1.5 minutes. Taken with an SPC900NC Phillips cam. The top 750 frames of 10,000 total were stacked with Registax6 and processed in Photoshop. Seeing was good but not excellent.