Jim Aldrich
8/28/2011 5:03:02 PM Here lies my attempt to image a challenging distant galaxy group. Stephan's Quintet is a visual grouping of 5 galaxies located in Pegasus. The galaxies are interacting with the exception of the largest galaxy (NGC 7320) in the forground about 40mly distant. A sixth galaxy (NGC7320C) is beleived to be invoved with NGC7319 & its tidal tail. The rest of the group is located about 290mly away. The image was taken through LRGB filters with 10 minute sub exposures. The best of about 13 hours of exposures were combined to make this image. A long exposure time was necessary due to the apparent magnitude of theses objects (14-16.7) & the local seeing conditions. Processed in CCDStack & Photoshop.
Journey's End Observatory 14" Meade LX200ACF CGE-Pro Mount SBIG STL-11000M Camera MOAG & AO-L Guided