Jim Aldrich

10/30/2011 4:53:10 PM
IC 342 is a nearby giant spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis that closely resembles our own galaxy. It is around 14mly distant and lies along a line of sight through the galactic plane. This makes it a difficult object to observe or photograph because its light is attenuated by the gas and dust of our own galactic home. IC 342 is an active galaxy with many nebulae & star forming regions. This LRGB image was taken with about 8 hours of total exposure time.

Journey's End Observatory
14" Meade LX200ACF
CGE-Pro Mount
SBIG STL-11000M Camera
MOAG & AO-L Guided

Comments about this picture from visitors:
Gorgeous! So, Jim, when you get done filling your walls with enlargements, I'd like to put some of these at my place! :-)
No room at your place. The walls are filled with spectral curves. -Jim
Nice job Jim, Lots of dust and gas to get through to get an image of this galaxy and you did it with style! - Patrick Holland
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