Jim Aldrich
10/4/2013 3:32:11 PM NGC 206 is an association of like stars catagorized by spectral type & called an OC Associations. Numerous associations, star clusters, dust clouds, & HII emission nebulae have been identified and charted in Andromeda (M31).
About 460 globular clusters are located in Andromeda. The brightest (G-76) looks like a fuzzy ball with little detail being 2.5 mly from Earth. I have highlited a few objects in red in the lest populated SW outskirts of the galaxy. NGC 206 (aka A78) contains a large group of more than 300 young, bright & large, O-C type stars that are destine to go supernova in a relatively short time. It is bleived that it formed when two spiral arms crossed some 20 million years ago. New stars & planets will eventually form from the debris.
Journey's End Observatory Planewave CDK-17 Paramount ME-II SBIG STXL-11002M Camera SBIG STXL-FW8G Guided Filter Wheel