<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Untitled Document June Sky Events:
June 7: First quarter Moon

June 14: Full moon tonight.

June 20,21: MSRAL at Tulsa, OK.

June 24: SAS monthly meeting at Library Center on South Campbell.

June 21: Last quarter moon.

June 28: New moon. SAS Star Party at Cedar Hills Observatory, Rogersville, MO.

The highlight event for this month is the MSRAL at Tulsa, OK. If you have any questions or plan to go, check the web site at www.msral.org, or contact Dale Flippo or Bill Burling.

The evening planet for the month is Jupiter, which is still in Cancer, but will be setting about midnight.

Mars will begin it ever closer approach to Earth this month. It will increase to magnitude -1 by the end of the month.

Hercules is a dim constellation that contains two Messier objects, M13 and M92. M13 is perhaps the finest Globular cluster in the Northern sky. Locate the western edge of the 'Keystone' portion of constellation. M13 is about 2 degrees south of eta Hercules. With a 6 or 8 inch reflector, the individual stars of the cluster can be seen. The bigger the telescope, the more impressive this globular cluster becomes. Even at high magnification, this cluster really is very spectacular.

Often overlooked because of M 13 is the globular cluster M 92. It is located about 7 degrees northwest. This globular cluster is very bright, and with medium size telescopes at higher magnification will start to show the individual stars.

Hercules also holds one of the prettier double stars in the sky. 95 Hercules is made up of two stars that are 5th magnitude that are only separated by 6.3 arc seconds. Check this double out to see the different colors between them.