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Collection of Astrophotos
By Club Members

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There are currently 278 astrophotos in the gallery..
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Jim Aldrich

9/19/2013 11:05:39 AM
I shot the PacMan Nebula over a couple of nights. This is an LRGB image of about 8 hours of exposures. The Nebula is about 50% larger than the full Moon. I barely got it all in the picture. Still learning.

Journey's End Observatory
Planewave CDK-17
Paramount ME-II
SBIG STXL-11002M Camera
SBIG STXL-FW8G Guided Filter Wheel

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Patrick Holland

9/14/2013 11:19:00 AM
Here's a lunar shot from last night (9-13-13). Shot with the Celestron Skyris 274M (with Baader HA 7nm filter), Lunt 80mm ED scope on the Orion Sirius mount. Best 420 frames, stacked in Registax and processed in photoshop (curves and sharpening).

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Jim Aldrich

9/6/2013 12:55:46 PM
Here is my first attempt at imaging since I upgraded my observatory. NGC 7635 (Bubble
Nebula) is an emission nebula that lies in the constellation Cassiopeia. The bubble is
created by the stellar wind from a hot central star and the surounding gas glows from the radiation it emits. This LRGB image was compiled from about 8 hours of exposures.

Journey's End Observatory
Planewave CDK-17
Paramount ME-II
SBIG STXL-11002M Camera
SBIG STXL-FW8G Guided Filter Wheel

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Patrick Holland

6/19/2013 11:08:11 PM
This is a full disc image in Hydrogen Alpha. Taken with the Lunt LS60T HA scope (double stacked). 125 frames with the Point Grey Grasshopper 3.

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Patrick Holland

6/19/2013 10:55:01 PM
Here's an image of AR 1773. Same equipment and process as the previous image with a little color added.

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Patrick Holland

6/19/2013 10:51:16 PM
Here's an image from today's sun (6-19-13) in White Light. AR 1775, which is not only large but is also capable of possiblly releasing of class M flares. It's a very interesting spot with lots of detail. This was taken with my Celestron GT102, Lunt Solar Wedge with my Orion 3X barlow. Camera used is the Grasshopper 3 (with the Baader continuum filter and UV/IR cut filter. 125 frames, stacked in Registax 6.1, processed in Photoshop CS3.

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Patrick Holland

5/24/2013 9:30:19 PM
Moon shot, taken 5-17-13 with the Celestron GT102, Grasshopper 3 camera (with Baader HA 7nm filter) and Orion Sirius mount. Best 125 frames. Stacked in Registax, processed in Photoshop CS3.

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Patrick Holland

5/24/2013 8:01:59 PM
The Sun on 5-22-13 in CAK (Calcium K). Imaged with the Astrotech 72mm APO, Lunt B1200 CAK Module, Grasshopper 3 camera and Orion Sirius mount. Best 125 frames, stacked in Registax and processed in Photoshop CS3.

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Patrick Holland

5/24/2013 7:57:51 PM
The sun on 5-22-13 in Hydrogen Alpha. Imaged with the Lunt LS60TDS scope, Point Grey Grasshopper 3 camera on the Orion Sirius mount. Best 125 frames. Stacked in Registax and processed in Photoshop CS3.

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Patrick Holland

5/13/2013 11:01:07 PM
And 1 final image. A close up of a huge prom that surfaced today (5-13-13). Taken on the Lunt 60mm DS scope with the Point Grey Chameleon.

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