Monthly SAS Meetings The Springfield Astronomical Society (SAS) meets the 4th Tuesday of every month (except December) at the Library Center located at 4654 S. Campbell St in Springfield, MO, usually in Room B. Each meeting starts at 7:00 PM and generally lasts until 8:30 PM. You can also follow us on Facebook, and meetings are posted as events there a few days prior to the meeting. Here is a list of future meeting dates and topics. 2024 02/27/24 Planetary Imaging 03/26/24 TBA 04/23/24 TBA 05/28/24 TBA 06/25/24 TBA 07/23/24 TBA 08/27/24 TBA 09/24/24 TBA 10/22/24 TBA 11/26/24 Buying Astronomy Equipment for Christmas 2025 01/28/25 How to use Astronomy Equipment you got for Christmas |